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Softer Water, Better Life

In the Las Vegas area, it is a fairly well known fact that we have hard water, especially compared to some other parts of the country. There are many factors that determine this, as well as contribute to this, as well as differentiating between the two. There are noticeable characteristics of each water type, and reasons why soft water is typically thought of as more preferable to hard water. Before we dive into why you might want to look into a water softener, let’s first check out what the difference is between both hard and soft water. 


No matter how clear your tap water is, there are always minerals and chemicals contained in it. The measurable levels of these substances within the water is what determines how hard the water is. More specifically, water hardness is typically determined by the levels of calcium and magnesium. The higher the amount of these two minerals, as well as others, the harder the water is considered. 

Hard water typically will leave your hands or body feeling filmy after attempting to wash them, and may require extra time spent rinsing off. Hard water also leads to more spots on silverware and dishes after you have run them through a cycle. It can also lead to a build up of minerals in your pipes, causing blockages and clogs or low water pressure. 


Hard water can have negative effects on both you and your plumbing fixtures. Hard water leaves behind deposits of calcium and lime, which can then build up and cause backups or corrosion within pipes.

Hard water can also take a toll on your skin, hair, and overall health. It has the tendency to strip the body of its natural oils, leaving it dry, and it makes it more difficult to lather soapy water. It changes the pH balance of your skin itself, leaving you more vulnerable to bacteria or infections. It can also exacerbate skin problems such as eczema. The buildup of excess minerals and chemicals in hard water can also start to take a toll on your vital organs. 


Soft water typically lathers easier with soap, and it is usually preferred when doing dishes, washing clothes, or showering. It also can contribute to a stronger water pressure within your home, as there is less buildup within your pipes. Soft water does not leave as much residue, which means less time rinsing, which leads to some savings on your utility bills. 


If you prefer the feeling of soft water, or simply want to reap some of the benefits, you may want to look into a water softener. These systems reduce the concentration of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, that make the water hard. This brings those levels to a more reasonable amount, and typically increases the concentration of sodium as well. 

Water softeners utilize a sodium or potassium solution or pellets, and runs the water through in order to adjust the mineral levels. There are other methods that can be used, but they may not be as efficient or cost effective. 

These systems require regular maintenance in order to continue to be effective, and to prevent any issues from occurring with them. The pellets need replenished often, and the units need cleaned to avoid a build up of bacteria or fungi. 

There are pros and cons to water softeners, however, most individuals find that the positives far outweigh any negatives that could occur. If you have weighed the options and decide that a water softener is right for you, contact our experts today. 

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