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Most Common Plumbing Problems

Chances are, as a homeowner (or even as a renter), you will most likely run into some sort of plumbing problem at some point in your life. While all plumbing problems are annoying to deal with, some can be minor fixes and some can be major catastrophes. Whether a big issue or small, there are some plumbing problems that are more common than others. We’ve compiled a list of the most common potential issues that you may run into, so that you can be better prepared. Let’s check them out. 


Drip. Drip. Drip. The consistent choir of water droplets sings out from your kitchen sink. Your leaky faucet is certainly not the concert that you were hoping to attend, and the constant nagging noise is starting to drive you crazy. Leaks in kitchen or bathroom sinks are unfortunately pretty common and they can be caused by a number of different sources. While you may be able to fix the problem yourself by tightening a few things here and there, if you don’t really know your way around plumbing fixtures, it may be a better idea to contact an expert in order to prevent causing bigger issues. 


While sink drains usually operate pretty smoothly, allowing the water to flow down through the pipes quickly, sometimes this is not the case. Many circumstances can lead to sinks draining slowly. In kitchen sinks, build ups of grease or bits of food are quite common. In bathroom sinks, build ups of styling products or hair are common as well. While sometimes a common drain snake can help remove these obstacles, there are some scenarios where the blockage is out of reach of such a tool, and a professional needs to assist. 


It has happened to the best of us, the toilet that just won’t flush. Usually this is caused by a combination of excrement and toilet paper, but sometimes it may be due to a rowdy youngster putting some toys or other objects down the toilet that don’t belong. Clogged toilets are typically a quick fix, simply use a plunger until the clog is cleared. If this doesn’t work, however, you may be in need of professional help. 


Though a constantly running toilet may not seem like a huge deal, it can actually end up wasting a vast amount of water, and raising your utility bill tremendously. This is usually caused by a faulty flapper valve, which may not always form the proper seal that it needs in order to control the water flow from tank to bowl. There are repair kits you can buy for this, but sometimes all it requires is a little jiggle of the handle to fix. If this problem is consistent, and you think there may be more to it, there is no harm in asking an expert. 

There are many more common plumbing issues that you may run into as a homeowner (or renter!), however, these are the most common plumbing problems that you are most likely to face. By having regular maintenance done on your fixtures, and keeping an eye on how everything is working, you can likely prevent bigger problems from occurring. Have more questions, or need some plumbing help? Contactour experts!

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