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Frozen Water Pipes

New Year, New Water Filter

Typically around the time that the new year rolls around, people are thinking about resolutions on how to better themselves, their lives, their health, and more. Often, this includes changing habits or behaviors in an effort to produce the desired result. What people don’t usually consider, however, is how they can adjust the environment around them in order to contribute to their resolutions. For instance, did you know that investing in filtered water can have a positive impact on your health? Many people aim to improve their health at the beginning of each year with goals such as going to the gym more often or trying a new diet. However, making a simple change like drinking filtered water instead of tap water, can make an even bigger change internally. 


When we think of poor water conditions, we often picture third world countries drinking from muddy streams or having to dig their water out of wells. What we may not realize, however, is that we have a pretty harsh water supply right here in Las Vegas. Wherever you live around the world, having access to filtered water within your own home is extremely important. While it may not be feasible in some parts of the world, we have the ability to add high quality water filtration units into our houses here, and it may be in your best interest to invest in installing one. 

With the water supply in Vegas being so hard, you would think that most homes would have a filtration system in place, however this is not the case for around 97% of houses here in the valley! The lack of water filtration can cause issues for not only your home, but also for your own body. When thinking of your health resolutions this year, be sure to consider improving your conditions from the inside out. 


We’ve mentioned that Las Vegas has an extremely hard water supply. What is hard water? This term refers to any water supply that has been known to contain above average concentrations of certain minerals and chemicals. These include chlorine, fluoride, herbicides, pesticides, and calcium. In addition, hard water can also be higher in bacteria counts than filtered or even softened water. In Las Vegas, there have been 23 contaminants found, 10 of which exceed health standards and 13 of which are simply present in samples. 

The chemicals that exceed the health guidelines are: bromoform, chloroform, chromium (hexavalent), dibromochloromethane, dichloroacetic acid, radiological contaminants, total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), trichloroacetic acid, and hormones. Of these ten contaminants, nine of them are known carcinogens. 


Hard water can be particularly damaging to anything that it comes in contact with regularly, whether it be your internal organs, or the inside of your home’s pipes. The high levels of these minerals and chemicals can cause buildups and abrasions within your plumbing fixtures and pipes, leading to potential plumbing problems to deal with in the future. Not only that, but hard water can take a serious toll on your health. As stated above, 9/10 of the contaminants found in Las Vegas water samples are known to cause cancer. In addition, excess levels of minerals can cause damage to vital organs, especially contributing to heart disease. 

We think that preventing these health issues alone is a good enough reason to invest in a water filtration unit for your home. If you’re serious about pursuing better health in the new year, it may be time to take the leap and make your purchase. If you have more questions about water filtration and want to check out your options, contact us and we can help determine the best solution for you.

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